8 days ago • RobertElderSoftware

I am a *very* important person, and I do NOT have time to waste on slow hash functions.  Back when I was a poor person, I used to spend hours waiting for my SHA512 hash calculations to finish.  But now that I'm a fancy rich person, I can finish my checksum calculations in half the time using the BLAKE 2b hash function.  A distinguished man like myself knows his worth, and refuses to use all but the most refined Crème de la crème hash functions.  Sometimes on Friday evenings, I like to sit in front of my terminal with a $1,000 glass of Cabernet Sauvignon, a top-hat/monocle and cigar to remind myself of how pitiful my life was when I had to use the hash function of mere commoners.

For more information on the BLAKE 2b hash function, see this video on the 'b2sum' command:


12 days ago • RobertElderSoftware

I'd like to apologise for the current controversy surrounding one of my older videos that was extremely disrespectful to women.  I made this video with the best of intentions in mind, but unfortunately, I wasn't sensitive enough for a general audience, and for that I'm sorry.

The video in question has been viewed 203,919 times, and according to my YouTube analytics, not even a single female has ever watched this video.  This is clearly unacceptable, because the immense power of the  #Linux  command line is something that ALL genders should benefit from!  Unfortunately, my video has only re-enforced the status quo and further concentrated the power of the Linux command-line in the hands of men at the expense of women.  My actions here were incredibly disrespectful to women, but the truth is that respecting women is actually one of my favourite things to do!

That's why, as of today, I'm vowing to work much harder to force women to watch my videos in order to avoid oppressing them.  This way, we can build a truly diverse and equitable society, where my YouTube audience demographics are 50% male, 50% female, and 50% User-specified.

You can also do your part to respect women by forcing all of the women that you know to watch the original video:


2 weeks ago • RobertElderSoftware

Kids these days are shockingly unable to grasp even the most basic  #Linux  commands like 'ls' or 'pwd'.  Back in *my* day, we used to spend hours running the 'ls' command over and over, and that was more than enough to keep us entertained!  I remember at Christmas time, our parents used to let us use the 'top' command for an hour, but after that it was straight to bed at 8pm!  Now, kids stay up till 4am every day watching tiktok videos and playing violent video games.

As a result, I've had to resort to drastic measures to get these kids to learn their Linux commands: I've been leveraging the 'numfmt' command to make the learning material a bit more 'sussy' and include elements of 'UwU' speak.  We are truly living in end times.

For more information on the 'numfmt' command, see:


3 weeks ago • RobertElderSoftware

I created this helpful diagram to make it easier to understand the 'head' and 'tail' commands:  When using the '-n' and '-c' flags, numbers that are explicitly annotated as positive, negative, or unqualified will each have a different effect, which can be hard to remember.  In this diagram, values that are circled with the blue outline will have the same effect, while values with a background region that are shaded red are non-POSIX compliant.   Areas that are shaded green are POSIX compliant.  For more information on the 'tail' command see:


4 weeks ago • RobertElderSoftware

My favourite image editing program is 'vim' (when used the 'xxd' command).  What's your favourite terminal-based image editing program?   #linux   #commandline 

For more information on image editing in vim, see this video on the 'xxd' command:


1 month ago • RobertElderSoftware

Another day, another targeted SUPPRESSION campaign by Big  #Semiconductor  ™.  This time, targeting @SamZeloof.  Over two years ago, I pinned his comment so that people would learn how easy it is to make your own CPUs.  A few days ago, this pinned comment mysteriously disappeared.  At first, I thought maybe Sam deleted the comment himself, but it must have gotten mass flagged or something, because I had to manually approve it even after it had already gotten 37k likes. 

1 month ago • RobertElderSoftware

For those of you who are struggling to get noticed on social media, here's proof that you can post content that's good enough to get 1.2M views and a comment from Elon Musk, but when you post it on your own account it barely gets a few hundred views. Raise awareness about suppression from Big  #Semiconductor ! 

1 month ago • RobertElderSoftware

Each and every one of us is unique and truly special in our own little way.  Unless, of course, you use a different sorting collation, in which case there are probably lots of people exactly like you, and you are therefore completely unremarkable.

For more information on the 'uniq' command, see:


1 month ago • RobertElderSoftware

I prefer to do things the same way over and over, and that includes listening to the music in my playlist.  That's why I always use the 'sort' command to create a canonical ordering of the songs in my music library.  However, sometimes, I like to spice things up and use the 'sort' command with the 'LC_ALL' variable set to a different value, resulting in a change to the 'canonical' sort ordering (illustrated in the screenshot below).

For more information on the 'sort' command, see:


1 month ago • RobertElderSoftware

EXCITING news everyone!  I've decided to start my own  #AI  company that specializes in creating text summaries of large documents.  We've decided to skip doing a seed round and jump straight into raising a series A for $20 million at a $69 million valuation (the round is closing soon, so don't miss out). 

I used to work with one of Geoffrey Hinton's grad students at one of my co-ops, so I'm basically an AI expert at this point.

The technology that we'll be using the power this new AI summarizing tool will be the POSIX 'head' command.  See image below for an example.

For more information on the 'head' command, see:
