2 weeks ago • One Music School

Hi Everyone!  It's June, and that means I have a TON of content coming your way.  "Summertime Blues" is the theme, and that means I have some sweet blues tutorials for you to try out on both your guitars and ukuleles.  Not only that, I'm bringing you my worship tutorials, as always, so that you can lead worship around the campfire or away at summer camp.  Get ready for a summer filled with tips, tricks, reviews, and most of all MUSIC!  Leave me a comment below and tell me what's your favorite thing to do during the summer months. 

1 month ago • One Music School

Hi Everyone!  I just wanted to say thank you for the love and support that you showed my "Fingerpick Any Song on the Guitar" Video, and welcome to all of the new subscribers! If you're new here, name is Katie and I've been teaching guitar, ukulele, and voice since 2008.  I would LOVE to know what you struggle with so that I can make videos that directly address your problems.  Please feel free to leave your questions below in the comments section :).  I've already taken some questions from the fingerpicking video and turned them into video ideas for my next filming session, so be on the lookout to see if I answered your question.

Thanks again and you are loved,


5 months ago • One Music School

Wow!  What a thing to wake up to this morning!  All I can say is a huge “Thank You” to you all for your loving and kind support.  God is good.  When I found out that I was pregnant with my 2nd child in 2019, I knew that I was going to have to make some big changes and slow down in all aspects of life, including YouTube, in order to focus on being a wife and mother.  Between COVID, closing down my in person teaching studio, and welcoming baby #3, it really has been an adjustment and a journey of surrender to the Lord.  “What do you want, Lord?  Do you still want me to do this?  Am I on the right track?”  Never in a million years did I think I’d be here, and you all have truly blessed me with such an overwhelmingly encouraging community. Thank you, again, from the bottom of my heart.  You are loved.

“Teach me to do your will, Lord, for you are my God.  May your good spirit lead me on level ground.” Psalm 143:10 

5 months ago (edited) • One Music School

Are you stuck in a musical rut and can’t get out?  Feeling frustrated because you have no idea what the next step should be?  With so many resources out there, what should you practice in order to move forward? If you’ve ever felt this way, you are definitely not alone!

Now, how about a solution?  What if you could sit down with someone that would help you assess where you are and identify what new skills to acquire to move you forward musically? What if they were able to give you an action plan with some clear, simple steps?

Join me on Patreon January 9th at 7:00 PM Central for Get Out of Your Rut: Taking Practical Steps to Move Forward Musically.  After this seminar, you will know how to self assess and identify what skills are needed to develop in order to move forward musically, go over common obstacles musicians face when learning a new skill, and I’ll also walk you through an action plan using real examples from YOU, the Patrons.  This seminar is available to anyone that is a Silver Tiered Patrons and above.  

Not a Patreon Patron yet? No worries!  It's easy to sign up right here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/feeling-stuck-95592808?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_fan&utm_content=join_link 

Patrons receive bonus content such as chord charts, exclusive lessons and seminars that you won't find anywhere else.  

See you soon!


6 months ago • One Music School

HI!  So I meant o publish a Christmas song today, and I accidentally published "Great Are You Lord" and changed the settings back to private to publish it another day once I realized what had happened.  Sorry if you clicked on it and it's now private.  The video that I meant to publish today "God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen" and that one is LIVE and ready :).   Here's the link -  https://youtu.be/BIsCPckxSzo 

9 months ago • One Music School

Going LIVE today at 12:00 PM Central on YouTube. We'll Jam, chat, and I'll share some original music that I've been working on .  See you there!   https://youtube.com/live/C47npN-0h6w?feature=share 

9 months ago (edited) • One Music School

Come join me at the LA Ukulele Festival!

It's not too late to come join me at the 2023 LA Ukulele Festival!  Tickets are available for Saturday, Sunday, and Sunday's special concert featuring NUE, Kalei, Corey Fujimoto, and Mika Kane.   There will be multi-level workshops, performances, and a market with all things ukulele.  It will be ukulele heaven!


Website:  https://losangelesukulelefestival.com/ 

Facebook event link:  https://fb.me/e/3ck8XXGqz  

Ticket link for all days:  https://www.tix.com/ticket-sales/kalakoa/1723 

Ticket link for NUE concert:  https://torrancearts.org/show/nue-na-ukulele-ekolu/ 

1 year ago • One Music School

Hi Loved ONES!!!!

6 years ago, I dreamed of building my own guitar course in the format that I had my subscription website from 2013.  It took 2.5 years of planning, filming, editing, and creating in the spare moments to complete this project, and it's finally HERE!  Guitar 101: The Stress Free Beginners Guide.    

If you've always wanted to pick up the guitar but didn't know where to start, this is for you.  With this complete beginners course, the tutorials are sequential with a clear next step.  No more feeling stuck or stressing out as you scroll through an endless sea of free resources.  This is perfect for any busy-on-the-go individual. Most of all, it's priced less than most teachers charge for one month's worth of lessons.  

This course contains 14 popular songs and campfire songs with 2-3 different levels based upon the difficulty of the song, 36 play alongs, 14  easy to follow along chord charts, and 6 technique videos to help you get started.  

You can check it out here -   https://katie-denure.mykajabi.com/guitar101 

Most of all THANK YOU for all of your support!  There is no way that I would've been able to do to this without you.  

You are loved. 

1 year ago (edited) • One Music School

#TBT  2013 - 29 year old me recording video tutorials for my guitar subscription website 🎸. Before I even knew YouTube was possible, and before I had kids 🤪, I had a guitar subscription website.  Each song had three levels and each level had a play along.  It was a lot of work, but I loved the format.  This platform was for my in person students, and it allowed me to meet my students’ needs on different levels. 

⭐️Your past experiences serves a purpose for your now God given assignment.  I was an ESL and Bilingual educator, and every lesson that we as teachers made had to have levels to make sure that the students’ needs were met.  The hours spent thinking about curriculum, breaking down concepts, and flow of information is still with me as I plan each video, each private lesson, and each clinic. 

⭐️If you feel a longing in your heart to be anywhere but here, take heart.  This current season is strengthening you for the next.  You are loved ❤️. 

1 year ago • One Music School

Hi Loved Ones!  I fixed the graphics for the fingerpicking version of "Wake Me Up When September Ends" and here's the link :).  I hope you enjoy it.  https://youtu.be/HgiykWhaoRE