2 days ago • Max Justh

Me since the last time I uploaded a new video 😭 

2 months ago • Max Justh

Which is, in your opinion, the best movie frachise? 

Star Wars



Harry Potter

1.5K votes

2 months ago • Max Justh

Which new Star Wars game are you more looking forward to? 




516 votes

3 months ago • Max Justh

Just a test to see how many people are still alive here! Haven't uploaded for months!! 

Hello There

General Kenobi!

210 votes

4 months ago • Max Justh

I wanted to take the opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year 2024! I hope you've started it well and that it brings you a future filled with opportunities, joy, and health! 🥳 

4 months ago • Max Justh

My friends, to all who have followed me over these years and to the newcomers, I want to wish you with all my heart a Merry Christmas! I hope it has filled you with gifts and that you have a memorable time with your loved ones. I look forward to gifting you more videos in the near future. Artistic image by @bondarts. 

4 months ago • Max Justh

Have you watched "Godzilla Minus One"? For me one of the best movies I watched this year! 

Best Godzilla movie!

Really enjoyed it!

Didn't like it.

Haven't seen it yet.

206 votes

5 months ago (edited) • Max Justh


(Topic suggested by Lara)

I am very impressed by the progress that
artificial intelligence has been made in the last 2
years. We increasingly enjoy a wide variety of programs that evolve to surprise us with extraordinary results. 

Much is said about the negative impact of artificial intelligence or future technology. While I find it unlikely that technology will disobey humans and dominate the world simply because Al lacks the organic consciousness required
for this to become reality, we cannot dismiss the negative consequences that these Al's may bring. Al lacks the ability to have feelings or to disobey and initiate a revolt as in science fiction movies. What Al does depends on how we use it or how we program it. If someone programs a killer robot to commit crimes against a civilization, it is the human capable of doing such a thing that we should fear, not the Al. 
The real problem is not that AI disobeys us, but
quite the opposite. 

Another example is voice forgery, a classic. "ElevenLabs" is an Al that allows you to transform text into speech. You only need an audio material collection from a person of your choice for the Al to transform the text into the same voice as the person in your reference material. While it has been a success for many content creators, including myself, to create parodies, others use it for political influence. It wouldn't be the first or last time I see Instagram reels of political figures making a series of claims they never said. A person lacking self-criticism can be easily manipulated, becoming another victim of
this misuse. 

"ChatGPT" is a revolutionary gem that uses impartiality to address complex and controversial topics, clears up doubts, and can be the best pastime when you're bored. However, it has become the preferred tool for students to do their schoolwork, and that could unconsciously and negatively affect problem-solving skills and academic autonomy. At the same time, ChatGPT can be quite beneficial in providing information on any topic and helping understand any topic.

Beyond the mentioned programs, the question of whether Al will take away our jobs in the future will depend on various factors, such as people's speed and interest in learning a new job required for maintaining new technologies and machines, the speed at which new technologies are intended to be implemented, or political decisions to address the problem, as just because something can be done, doesn't mean it
should be done. 

The prohibition of using some technologies in various work environments can help thousands of people keep their jobs. The topic is so complicated that I could spend hours writing about it. I would like to know what you think. Do you agree with what I've said? Do you have other opinions? Let me know in the comments! ll be happy to answer other questions and give my opinion on other topics! Thank you very much for your attention and a big greeting!" 

6 months ago • Max Justh

Hello, my friends. I'm going through another phase where I lack motivation to edit new videos, so instead, I'm using my time to do other things. Surely, when I have new ideas and motivation, I'll be back with enthusiasm! I'd like to use the community tab more often. I enjoy writing and sharing my opinion on various topics. Perhaps there's a specific subject you'd like me to talk about...? 

7 months ago • Max Justh

Did you enjoy the season finale of Ahsoka? 

Best Star Wars show!

A good ending for a great show!

Bad ending for a decent season!

Felt pretty rushed. Didn't like it.

Really disappointed.

526 votes