3 days ago • Martin Castein

I’m going to review the Olympus OM1 is there anything in particular you would like to see? 

5 days ago • Martin Castein

Hi everyone, sorry about delays again, PTSD mental health wobbles and all that, Im sure some of you will understand. I will be back shortly, properly. Just cant help it sometimes and you have to bear with me, this will happen a few times each year im afraid. Hope you are all well. 

1 month ago • Martin Castein

While I plan to do both, I would like to ask do you prefer videos where I explain things or do you prefer to see me go out and shoot?

Explain things

Go out and shoot

Poll results only

269 votes

1 month ago • Martin Castein

Hi everyone, what would you like to see more of? Im planning out my videos and realising everything is a bit of this and a bit of that, as I try out different types of videos. So I thought id ask, what would you like to see? I read all your comments so thank you in advance! 

1 month ago • Martin Castein

For those that shoot landscapes, either as your main thing or one of the things you photograph. Do you plan trips specifically to take landscape photos or do you just add some locations to your trips away? Thanks. 

I specifically plan

I add it in to my trips

See poll results without voting

200 votes

2 months ago • Martin Castein

My free mini ebook is available now, its a brief guide to composition that looks at some aspects you might have not seen before. Dont worry its not teaching you rule of thirds or golden ratio.
How to create instant impact and better story telling in images, how to break the rule of thirds in a way that makes sense and is repeatable. 
Link:  https://www.martincastein.com/composition-cheat-codes 

2 months ago • Martin Castein

If I make a free product would you prefer a free guide to exposure settings or a free guide to composition? Or something else let me know in the comments! Thank you all. 

Exposure guide

Composition guide

278 votes

2 months ago • Martin Castein

You probably know every thing you need to know about photography and have the equipment you need to do it. 

It’s human nature to look for the secret, the special technique, the piece of equipment that’s going to change our lives. 

The reality is it’s all in you already. You just need to do it. 
Have confidence in your own ability.
I hope you go for it. 

2 months ago • Martin Castein

Eli, taken on the Nikon ZF with the 50mm 1.2s iso6400 f1.2 1/125. I didnt keep this camera in the end as im testing out what I want to move to as a system for work. I have now decided but will review the ZF shortly anyway.  This photo was taken outdoors at night in very very low light. click for full version. 

The goal was to do a shoot in really tricky conditions. I was shooting some other work locally anyway and organised this shoot at last minute. The area wasnt ideal but I thought this would test the camera to its limits, which it did, just about. 

2 months ago • Martin Castein

One question people ask occasionaly is about shooting different genres of photography. For me there arent really any, its all the same. You photograph what is in front of you. There are only so many settings a camera can have. The only thing that limits you is if you are interested to photograph it or not.