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How to overcome frustration as an IT Professional?
Cool background image for VSCode!
Exciting new HomeLab projects!
Get icons in your UNIX terminal #homelab #tech #selfhosted
Manage Secrets in Docker using .env
Convert and manage Docker to Projects
Is Dockge better than Portainer?
Is Dockge better than Portainer?
My next Homelab Automation Projection...
My new Homelab DNS automation
Managing my DNS Configs in Git
How I'm storing my Projects in Git
Credentials in configs are dangerous!
Save money on Azure VMs
Why I'm using GitHub?
Is Azure really so expensive?
Let's learn more about Regions in Azure
What is a Resource Group in Azure?
How to analyze cost on Azure?
Wake On LAN in HomeAssistant
Wake On LAN Routing?
Let's explore the Azure Web UI
Free Cloud Services on Microsoft Azure
Get started on Microsoft Azure?
Let's analyze Wake On LAN
Use Microsoft Azure, in a Homelab?
What's the problem with shielding in CAT 7?
Looking inside an S/FTP CAT 7 Ethernet Cable
Patch Panels are amazing!
Let's find out what' inside an Ethernet Cable
Manage Kubernetes in VSCode?
The Docker extension for VSCode is amazing
Remote SSH // my favorite VSCode extension
VSCode is truly outstanding!
Why reduce the number of tools in IT?
What happens when you commit in Git?
How to commit changes to Git?
Think Git is complicated?